Our list of the Top Companies to Telework in the Twin Cities

Our list of the Top Companies to Telework in the Twin Cities

Smart Business Strategy

Minnesota’s eWorkPlace is back!

eWorkPlace is a program to help Twin Cities metro area employers introduce telework and enjoy its benefits. In the past five years, eWorkPlace has proven itself as a smart business strategy that enables employees to work from home, full-or part-time, and connect to the office and clients via internet, phone, and mobile devices.

More than 40 Twin Cities employers and 4,000 employees have enrolled in eWorkPlace in the past five years. eWorkplace has realized more than a 9 to 1 return on investment, as well as crucial benefits to employers, employees, and their communities.

Just like many other organizations in the region, reap the rewards of teleworking and workforce flexibility by clicking on the GET STARTED tab to start the process!

Hear From Other eWorkPlace Participants:

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News and Events -

Minnesota National Leader in Telecommuting

Read about the impact eWorkPlace Minnesota has had in promoting telecommuting in Minnesota. According to the US Census Bureau, teleworking has risen more than 50 percent since 2000. Teleworkers save money, increase productivity, and have better mental health. The Star...

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Telework as a Business Strategy Seminar and Webcast

Join eWorkplace Minnesota at the the MRA Plymouth Conference Center or via webcast Friday May 20, 2016 from 8:30 to 10:30 am. Learn how telework can be part of your business strategy to attract top talent, improve employee performance, engagement, and retention for...

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Is Your Organization Ready for Telework?

Workplace flexibility and telework initiatives have a habit of being passed around an organization. Whether housed in diversity, benefits or human resources, if this program lands on your plate it can be challenging to know where to begin. In this session you will...

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Interested in telework, training, or implementing a telework program at your company?

I-35W reconstruction complicating your commute?

Interested in evaluating benefits of telework and winning a $100 gift card?

Access Telework Tools

Tools to help you start a telework program.

Participating Companies Receive Free Tools Including:

  • e-training and/or classroom training for both managers and staff
  • Managers guide
  • Selection guidance
  • Sample Telework Policies
  • Sample Telework Application
  • Sample Teleworker Agreement
  • Telework Implementatation Steps Guide
  • Case Studies and Research
  • News and information about telework

Get Tools
